I Knew I Couldn't Stay Away
One year ago, I gave up childcare. For good. I left and I was never coming back. I can be quoted as saying, "I'm never working in childcare again"; "I'm so done working with kids, I'm going to work with computers, at a desk. ", or "childcare? I'd rather eat Vegemite". I've been working my toosh off in school ever since. My end goal was to be a stay-at-home mommy / freelance Graphic Designer but in the end I wasn't sure what the point of all this hard work was. Sure to pay the bills but, really? Ooh, that's a life. Being a big fan of the Law of Attraction, I finally stopped and asked myself, "what would bring me the greatest joy?" Well duh, to be a stay-at-home mommy, become completely financially self-sufficient through my art, work from home, and have a bumpin' social life like the good ol' days. So, that's what I'm doing. (I still have the bestest friends in the world, but I moved far away from...