The Sun Is Here!

The sun is here and we have been spending so much time at the beach! Our record so far is five days in a row! We go with Grammy (my mom). We have our shady spot where we can always be found. As the day goes on the shade recedes and we just move our blanket back to follow it. When all the shade is gone, then it's time to go home.


Brandi Prpick said…
Hey Lindy,
How great of you to have the where-with-all to do something like that :) My little peanut is starting to laugh (15 weeks old) so things are starting to get real fun! I'm taking a workshop on baby sign language on monday in hopes that I like it enough to get certified and teach others around Moose Jaw and Davidson. I'll see how it goes, it may not be my thing, but I'm excited to learn just for my and Julia's sake. Keep up the good work!
Brandi and Julia Dieno :)

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