Happy Birthday To You....

She's one year old now! Exciting as this is, all I could think yesterday was, "boy, this time last year I was still thinking it was indigestion" or "at this point last year I just lost my mucus plug" mmmm. Now fast forward a year and I'm in much better shape...except when it comes to throwing a birthday party! Planning and baking and playing hostess - it takes a lot out of you! She's had two of three birthday parties so far.
The first one was on the weekend with her little toddler friends. It was so much fun. In fact, we were having such a good time that we were in the water for an hour and a half. That's a long time for three under three's! Molly had a blast; I knew she would. She had perma-grin the entire time. She had a huge smile and all we could see were her gums and two bottom teeth flashing from across the pool!
Afterwards, we came back to our house for cake. Grammy made a delicious chocolate cake for the party and I made some yummy muffins sweetened with freshly squeezly (by me!) orange juice, orange juice concentrate, and vanilla yoghurt. They were quite tasty. She thought so too because she ate the whole thing. I think I really underestimate how much she can eat. I've since started giving her more food at meal times!
Last night, on her actual birthday, we had family (Grammy and Aunty) and a close family friend with her two little girls.
Molly and I have been sharing a cold all week and she wasn't feeling up to snuff yesterday. I managed to get the chocolate cake done but not the muffins - she wasn't having it. Thankfully our friend had to leave early (due to diarrhea attack by her daughter) so we never got to the cake anyway. Had we gotten to the cake I know it would have been an all out battle with the three of them wanting to feed her cake against one of me saying, "keep that S#*! away from my baby!" Yes, this is the same friend who happily announced to me that she fed Molly mini marshmallows and took pictures to prove it :)


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