Playing Fetch

Kola the dog and Molly have really bonded. They play together so nicely; it's wonderful :)
Well, the other day while I was bootin' around downstairs, she and Kola were on the floor hanging out. She has learned that the ball goes in the dog's mouth (such observant little creatures babies are...) so she'll take it and try to shove it right in there -- too cute.
Now, the dog on the other hand, is obsessed with her ball. She loves fetch and wants to play it all the time! She will actually throw her ball to you. For real! She actually tosses it out of her mouth, into the air, and it'll land at your feet!
So, here we have my baby shoving the ball into the dog's mouth, the dog throwing it into the air, and the baby going to get it to shove back into the dog's mouth...
That's right, they were playing fetch. Only, the dog was doing the throwing, and the baby was doing the fetching!
I should get it on video; maybe I could win a contest...


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