Just A Boring Update Today!

We spent the last week in Vancouver. I broke the seven hour drive into two days this time -- very smart idea. We visited everyone we knew along the way and she managed to sleep every leg of the trip! We stayed with family who lived halfway and saw one of her Great Grandma's while we were there. We saw her dad's cousin who, up until this point, we were just email pals :) It was great to finally meet her! On the way back we stopped by her house again. Then, we visited her parents who I had only met once but will definitely be back! And, they happen to be organic farmers so loaded me up with all types of squash, sweet potatoes, eggs, tomatoes, garlic, onions, beets -- the biggest beet I have ever seen -- carrots, grapes (that taste like grape juice), plums, and a huge bag of apples. Holy cow I was so spoiled! We also saw another cousin who has a three year old. We got a cute picture of the two little cousins sitting in a big, big chair together.

I also made sure to keep her as close to her schedule as possible. Big difference :) The last time we spent a week in Vancouver, I let naps and bedtimes go and boy did I ever pay for it later. Not only that but, on the way home when she'd normally be sleeping in her carseat, she was wide awake and mad. Then, when we finally did get home, she took about a week to recover and got a cold. This time though, she slept her little butt off in the car and has since been her happy, fun self... Except for that tooth that I think is coming in. She's had the same two teeth since she was 8.5 months old. She's 13.5 months old now and finally about to get a third!?


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