Christmas Time!

She had a wonderful Christmas! We were at Aunty Amber's and Uncle Andy's house. Her dad is here all week as he doesn't have to work over Christmas. Her Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and also many of our friends. As always, she was constant entertainment.

Every morning when she decides she's awake, she pops up and hollers, "dada!?". She heads straight for the door and tries to pry it open with her little fingers. I go open it for her and she toddles to the living room to see who is awake and ready to play.

She plays peek-a-boo now. Although, it's not the cover your eyes, say peek-a-boo, and then uncover your eyes peek-a-boo that you're thinking. She'll spot someone from across the room, on the other side of the coffee table, or from around the corner, make eye contact, and then duck back again. Then when she pokes her head out and sees you again, she throws herself on the floor laughing her head off. Sometimes she snorts when she laughs so hard.

On Boxing Day, her dad and I took her to the mall playground. Why some parents decide that allowing their child to plow right into a toddler at the bottom of the slide or that running through a crowded indoor playground is OK is far beyond me.

Typically, I handle these children without manners quite well but yesterday I wasn't on my game. I was caught off guard more than once -- these children are quick! I mean one moment Molly is happily playing with the steering wheel on the crayon car and the next moment she's sandwiched between two older children who, I guess have decided that she doesn't need to be there. Normally, I'm more of a bodyguard in these situations and make it perfectly (and reasonably) clear that they can use the toy when she's done with it. I even follow through and go get the child to let them know when the toy is available. Anyways, I decided I needed to leave the play-area when a kid sprinted right past me and I non-chalantly bent my knee out and made him stumble. I was horrified once I realized that I had just tried to take out a five year old and told Grant, "I think I need to get out of here. I just tried to trip a kid."

We went and cruised the mall instead and then went to look at the puppy in the pet store window. She stood there and hollered at it. It was pretty funny. Now it's her bedtime. Good night!

* DISCLAIMER * The author of this blog does not support buying pets from a pet store, ESPECIALLY PUPPIES. Instead, adopt one from the pound or buy one from a very responsible breeder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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