She Has A Violin!

Little one has super exciting news... We've rented her a violin. That's right, the most obnoxious sounding, wee little violin you have ever seen. This was following her sudden passion for the instrument. I don't know where her and her little friends spotted a violin but while making playdough one afternoon, they began pretending their wooden spoons were violins. They held them up to their chins and used sticks as the bows. Later on, I found Little One playing her ukulele with a stick. To keep up with her excitement, I took her to the Celtic music festival last Thursday afternoon; sure enough she was absolutely in awe of the fiddle's. So in awe that she didn't even get up to dance -- and we know how much Little One loves to dance! Her eyes were just fixated on this fiddle. A few days later her friend was here and we went for a trip to the music store. Not just any music store, but the Long and McQuade music store. This store is massive; there's one room full of 12 pianos, one full of drum sets, a ginourmous room of guitars and banjos, and yet another with bass and electric guitars; the whole front is band instruments with another large area for books/resources. The staff was so friendly and relaxed; they made sure to let me know the children could look at and touch anything and everything they wanted (for the most part...the $31000 piano and drum sets were off limits) -- so we did of course. They pushed all the buttons on the saxophone and figured out the clarinet, they strummed a banjo, looked at all the guitars; they played every single piano and THEY GOT TO PLAY THE VIOLIN! Did you know how small they make violins!? I didn't... Well, these two little 3 year olds screeched away and nobody in the store was phased. It was so gosh darn cute. The man came over and gave us a quick tutorial on how they work and showed the girls how to hold the instrument. I found out they rent the instruments for a very low cost; they want music to be accessible to everyone. At the end of the day after her friend went home and we headed straight back to the music store to pick up her violin -- for less than $20 for the entire month! Unfortunately the video of her happily screeching away doesn't seem to want to load, but pictures will be coming soon!


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