Spring Break 2021 - Low Tech and Chilling at Home!

We're staying home for spring break. Chilling out in the backyard. Old skool.

Initially, I had my eye on a week long ski camp for her. I wanted her to get out skiing with kids her age and adults that aren't her Mom. (Ya okay, so I work at the hill... But I'd throw her in with another instructor and go skiing/snowboarding on my own.) Today however, I made the decision to lay low.

I am actually enrolled in a certificate program learning about the neuroscience of resonance and effects of empathy on the brain. The effects of hours upon hours of offering and receiving this work with other students over the past seven months, have been so clearing that my life has restructured. Earlier this week, I let go of the program to let my cells reintegrate. And today? I let go of the ski camp. An inner knowing said take a big step back and enjoy the fruits of your labour, let everything settle in my cells and enjoy my new, healthy normal...


Letting go of survival and financial stress, this inner knowing kept nudging me, 'keep your money in your bank. You are not sitting in survival anymore -- you have arrived.' No tuition payment? No ski camp payment? I am reveling in inner peace and abundance today. I'll stick with my typical gas 'n grocery payments and eat out once, like we usually do. Spring break will be manygood meals, very limited internet and device usage, outdoors and enjoying our home and friends. She will be full of contentment, fresh air and more adventures to add to her childhood memories...

How did it go? Spring Break 2021 - We Did It!


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