April 19, 2021 - Sewing, Cell Phone Bill and A Building on Fire.

Well that was a day. There is no school today.  I paid my cell phone bill at midnight last night. Today I woke up to no cell phone service. I know I literally waited until the last minute to pay it -- but something's not lining up.

We took her and a friend to the lake. I liked the crowd at the lake today, I would refer to them as the early spring beach crowd. These are the folks, like ourselves, who don't mind weather 365 days a year. We get outdoors because we know it's good for us. We were all there in our layers with snow on the mountain just above the lake and a cold wind to keep us humble and grateful. We are at the beach. I am so grateful.

The cell phone issue turned out to be a nation-wide cell phone outage with one of the providers. My provider. The outage began around midnight last night. Around the time I paid my cellphone bill... It lasted twenty-two hours.

Currently, there is a massive plume of smoke outside. It looks close but as we walked down to see which house it was, we realized it's way beyond our neighbourhood. Sixteen blocks from here. Apparently there is an apartment complex on fire. I know the area. Nobody lives in it yet as it is just being built. Hopefully they will leave it as ash and simply replant the trees that were there a year ago.

The news is silent today; the way it always is when there is something going on. It's just covid numbers and vaccine pushing. A large part of the nation is in a cell phone outage and 911 services are being disrupted. Why isn't this on the news? Anyway, they announced my age group today. I'm supposed to be excited. People seem excited to get a covid vax... And they tell me this like they want me to join their excitement. I don't really know what to say so I say nothing.

On a more normal note, kiddo is finishing the corset she is sewing. Amazing! We are pretty low tech here and sewing machines are great gadgets to play with on no school days. I think she knows I'll embarass her if she and her friends stick their noses in their phones while hanging out. There seems to be a 'my mom's a geek' code that they just know between them... I don't even have to tell them! Four hours at the beach today and I saw those phones get picked up for about ten minutes only on the car ride home. So proud of those teens. They had a good time doing normal teen stuff at the lake... Such as daring each other to jump in the freezing cold water.


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