We're Off to Collect Spring Water

Over the course of her lifetime, we have gone up to the headwater to collect spring water. This came about after going hiking and adventuring with a friend who wanted to show me the spring. With very simple access, it is just on the side of the road of one of our favorite outdoor play places. We've been passed it numerous times and I had never even realized it!

After being shown this spring, I dreamed of having spring water as our regular drinking water. The reality however, is that I was not able to get there regularly nor did I think it made sense to drive that far to gather our water. We continued to drink tap water and with great gratitude made trips to the spring when we were out that way.

Recently, and after a decade after being shown that spring, there has been a big shift in our lives. There is a huge sense of heading to the springs regularly. This has been floating within me over the past week or two. Soon after, we found ourselves at the spring filling our big jugs for the first of regular weekly trips. We are doing it!

Little one, who is now a middle-aged teenager, is very helpful with the process. I got a good chuckle of her very literal take on the "can you help find a way for these bottles to go into the car so they don't knock each other or fall over." I opened up the rear door to see the happy little bottles all strapped in and lined up in the backseat.


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