Female Youth in Sports -- and the Gross Males

So my last post was about my swimming. For Little One, though, her sports are archery and skateboarding -- with some forced hiking, skiing (she loves skiing) and other stuff along the way. She would like to set up her archery in the backyard. We keep a very active and engaged lifestyle in order to keep her disengaged from the gadgets. Regardless, I still had to say, "you can bring your archery here only when you can start to: 1) weekly chores without being asked/reminded 2) blah, blah, blah, 3) blah, blah, blah 4) blah, blah and 5) Enter one more here... Then you can bring your archery here. You can keep it down in the rec room and take it outside whenever you want." Oh the freedom!

She also has an opportunity to get into ski instructing as early as next year however, I hear the way those young white boys talk about girls and their orifices after they get off the early morning shuttle. I'll be taking care of those boys first. I'm waiting for the ideal moment and a full audience. (People with young white boys, teen white boys and twenty-something year old white boys I'm talking to you. It's literally white boys taking up half the staffroom while the female, non-CIS male and BIPOC sparse out around the rest of the room... Everything that is wrong with the world all in one staff room... Ya, I'm talking to you. These are your boys -- not other people's boys, your boys).

Update: I dealt with it. Humility, humour and a full audience. I oddly didn't hear talk about orifices for the rest of the season. I also got positive attention by management and interestingly enough, earned employee of the month just four weeks later... I slayed!

Update #2: It's also the same in middle school and high school. If anyone is wondering how they're doing, the boyz are getting worse. Not better.


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