Beginner Face Painter Here

A friend had a good idea not too long ago. "You should do face painting at the kangaroo farm! My friend did it one year and made a ton of money!"

I happened to be receptive to this at the time. I have actually gone through great lengths to learn about face painting in the past. In fact, I still have a sealed box of Snazzaroo face paint sitting at home waiting for it's moment to be opened.

 I contacted the kangaroo farm...

"Sorry, we have a face painter with us this year... Best of luck in your endeavours!" I let it go -- but remained open to any opportunities. Now, one month later an opportunity has risen! Face painting this weekend (that is FOUR days from now) and again on the First of June. That is, like, a week and a bit from now!

I turned to Fairy Fox Designs on YouTube and got insight into what to put in my kit:


This is quite a list. Now, I know I don't have to have everything at once but I will give a good effort to put together an 'above and beyond' beginner kit. I am a very conscious consumer and am not a part of the, "like OMG I just bought it off Amazon" cult. I won't even go to Michael's. I will be checking out thrift shops (seriously, I have TWO still-sealed boxes of q-tips from thrift shops) and online classifieds. I will purchase new when all else fails. I look forward to the hunt and can't wait to start painting!


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